Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Frederick Douglass: On Anti-Slavery Essay

Frederick Douglass—the famous icon on the context of ‘classic slave autobiography’ is considerably an eloquent writer which in essence recounts his claim to fame as that who issued the â€Å"powerlessness resulting form the social appropriation of discourse. † Born on the month of February in the year 1818 at Near Easton, Maryland, his works and admirable finesse has been recognized as the heroic act of being a slave towards being an anti-slavery leader. At age of twenty, he was able to get off the leash of slavery and pursued with his aim to thoroughly expunge the radical schema of slavery through writing articles and other forms of documentation such as The Liberator; and thoroughly escaped the wrath of slavery at age thirty in the year 1838. Further, this Garrison writer also managed to write a book under his memoir entitled Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave in the midst of year 1845 and gained numerous awards and took the limelight stage due to his eloquence and intellectual fortitude as a speaker on anti-slavery movements. Not only is he good in the field of public speaking, but he also managed to take a formidable seat through lecturing and spreading out his determination to achieve â€Å"freedom† through explicitly exposing himself and truth for the purpose of campaigning for the â€Å"rights of women, and participations on Seneca Falls Convention, and advocacy in the Republican Party. † As a matter of fact, he also helped in recruiting African Americans in enlisting in the Union army—for the fight against slavery—and even advising the most influential president, Abraham Lincoln, to support him in his endeavors. All of these, in the streamline of history and of literature have nevertheless paid off worthy enough. Interview with Frederick Douglass How does it feel to be famous and world-renowned? Good day to you and to our viewers. Well, I knew you would ask me that question since in my own experience, which is perhaps the legendary question which most of my interviewers consider as the â€Å"opening remark† per se. I could not feel anything more than happiness to take it to assumption that I am considerably renowned and labeled as one of those who are legendary and has made a difference in the world or on the context of slavery. Of course, like all the other public icons and heroes as far as history and literature is concerned makes me feel that I am in one point or another a blessed individual for having been given the gift of courage and eloquence. It may be hard, in some point, since there will always be â€Å"critics who are after pulling down your reputation† for reasons which I consequently define as lame. I mean like, after all the hard work I have done and with the support of the testimonies of those who were able to witness and experience the heroic act that I have made, they always try to pull me down. I don’t know why they are utterly absurd, but I guess that is how â€Å"fame† is actually established—to be talked about and to be criticized. Nevertheless, a person would not be considered famous if his or her name does not often linger on the media, press, or on critics for that instance. (Gerteis, p. 1448) Is it true that Haitis were opposed to mixed men? We are all aware that the Haitians have always been those who are aloof amongst other people or on other race. Well, it came to a point that they specifically hate individuals with â€Å"mixed citizenship†Ã¢â‚¬â€which as you can see includes me—and therefore, I became one of those who were always stalked by these people and sometimes, whenever they get the ample chance, they get to serve their wrath against me. I never really considered it as a threat, since I always thought that every race and every culture have diverse beliefs. â€Å"These beliefs, however, are manifested by historical events or simply a tradition inculcated by their forefathers†Ã¢â‚¬â€and believe me, when tradition or belief is at stake, trying to change it is like pulling a trigger on your head. (Douglass, p. 5) Why did you decide to revolt against slavery despite the â€Å"risk† that it contains? Initially, as a boy at age 20, I was one of those who were hiding from the closet for every explosion, which I may possibly hear. But then, there was this inner sense of â€Å"hatred† which I fervently feel to be a form of evil—inequity is one—and â€Å"to treat me and my people as slaves by individuals who are humans like us, stepping on the same ground, that is reason enough not to let them do their wrong doing. † It is a disgrace to humanity and I would not want my children to experience that kind of agony in the future. (Lee, p. 51) How would you define slavery in America? â€Å"American History often stresses the point of slavery and racial discrimination. † For that certain fact, it has made black Americans hungry for freedom that their way of being heard was through the use of pen by literature, or worse, in the realm of a bloody war. Plenty of truth bares the inequity behind the perceptions of asymmetrical treatment. There is this novel which formidably shattered my world apart. Anger, Betrayal, a feeling of Invisibility – all of which horrified the pitiful young man in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, which continuously puzzle readers in scouring for the Nigger’s name. Perhaps it was better way off that way then, or else the name would also dignify the unfortunate fate encountered by the man in the novel. As for the invisible man, the story of his life, though he had felt, experienced and had been a witness of the biases in color, portrayed a perfect representation of the blacks stern personality and braveness, living with their belief that all men are created equal. The mentioned outward appearance of treatment must be expunged and totally be erased in the rationality of mankind, or rather have those antagonists be called white poisonous serpents eaten with selfish pride again (Breidlid). I and my men were treated like the invisible man himself, and I believe that no one would want to live in that kind of disposition in life. Please tell me something about the Douglass-Garrison Conflict, its nature? From the founding of the American Anti-Slavery Society in the year 1833, abolitionism has been marred by constant intra-group disagreements. Within seven years, ‘the movement split itself into two camps; one was headed by William Lloyd Garrison, while the other has been spearheaded by public personalities namely, Tappans, James G. Birney, Gerrit Smith and Joshua Leavitt. ’ However, ten years after, those camp escapades, another schism occurred which eventually involved two groups which are piously clashing in perspectives with regard to the imposition of anti-slavery activities. In this point of time, the feud took place under my jurisdiction and William Lloyd Garrison’s. (Tyrone Tillery) When did you thoroughly say that you were â€Å"free† at last? My free life began sometime in September, 1838. Thus, the exultant joy resulting from this gradually fascinating status was short-lived only. In the most frustrating connotation, the moment I reached New York—just when I thought I was already away from the rage of slavery—it was surprising to realize that their power also reached the city. By then, I told myself: â€Å"no man would ever have the right to call himself slave, or assert mastery over him,† I sought refuge with the new environment where, sad as it may seem, even people same as my color would betray me over the tingle of a few dollar. (Frederick Douglass) Do you think there were also other people who suffered the same agony as that of yours? Captivating stories had been written to inspire readers instead of lingering the unfortunate fate of those who failed to survive in the war. An example for this, is a brave black American woman in the name of Fannie Lou Hamer, a woman armed with hope to eradicate a form of juxtapose deprivation against what she believed to be elements of privilege in her own very limited environment was painstakingly given to her and of her family, an implication which states that Black Americans do not allow themselves to be treated like slaves by others (Lee). Along with her bravery as indulged by other authors were The Scottsboro Boys, Joe Louis, Richard Wright and Sterling Brown. When the war has commenced, ‘children and women had to leave their homes for safety and let their fathers or any man in their family risk their lives to battle’. Guns and explosives were seen everywhere. The flag was raised symbolizing that they are ready to face the doom of death. Children were ranting and women were hearing voices. They became afraid of coming out. (Lee, p. 56) What would be your last words for the raging experience that you have had before? It was not easy; it was facing death while being alive. It seemed as if we were to lose everything that we have worked for, everything that we have sown for our children, and for the coming generations of our offspring. Our ‘economy became stagnant’, and serenity was about to be crushed into pieces. But it was a fire, ignited with hope’s flame. It was to shed blood or to be slaves; to remain free or to be chained. I now serve as a living legacy to those who enjoy the freedom the mighty indigent heroes have fought for. (Chesebrough, p. 49) Works Cited Breidlid, A. American Culture: Texts on Civilization. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 1996. Chesebrough, David B. Frederick Douglass: Oratory from Slavery. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. New York: Prestwick House Inc. , 2004.

Oprah Winfrey Essay

?So you want†¦ to get a degree Why? Let me tell you what society will tell you: Increases your chances of getting a job, Provides you an opportunity to be successful, Be a lot less stressful, Education is the key. Now let me tell you something your parents will tell you: Make me proud, Increases your chances of getting a job, Provides you an opportunity to be successful, Your life will be a lot less stressful, Education is the key. Now let’s look at the statistics, Steve Jobs – net worth seven billion R. I. P, Richard Branson – net worth four point two billion,  Oprah Winfrey – two point seven billion, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates Now here comes the Coup de grace, Looking at these individuals, what’s your conclusion? Neither of them in being successful, Ever graduated from a higher learning institution. Now some of you may be like, Money is only the medium by which we measure worldly success, And some of you even have the nerve to say â€Å"I don’t do it for the money. † So what you studying for? To work for a charity? Need more clarity? Let’s look at the statistics: Jesus, Muhammed,  Socrates, Malcolm X, Mother Teresa, Spielberg, Shakespeare, Beethoven, Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali, Sean Carter, Michael Jeffrey Jordan, Michael Joseph Jackson. Were either of these people unsuccessful†¦ or†¦ uneducated? All I’m saying is that, If there was a family tree hard work and education would be related, But school would probably be a distant cousin, Because if education is the key, School is the lock, Because it rarely ever develops your mind to the point where it can perceive red as green and continue to go when someone else said stop. Because as long as you follow the rules and pass exams your cool, But are you aware that examiners have a checklist, And if your answer is something outside the box then the automatic response is a cross, And then they claim that school expands your horizons and your visions, Well tell that to Malcolm X who dropped out of school and is world renowned for what he learn in a prison. Proverbs 17:16 It does a fool no good to spend money on an education, Why? Because he has no common sense. George Bush. Need I say more? Education is about inspiring one’s mind,  Not just filling their head, And take this from me because I’m an ‘Educated’ man myself, Who only came to this realization after countless nights in the library, With a can of red bull keeping me awake till morning, Another can in the morning, Falling asleep between piles of books that probably equates to the same amount I spent on my rent, Memorize equations, facts and dates, Write down to the letter, Half of which I would never remember, And half of which I would forget straight after the exam, Before the start of the next semester,  Asking anyone if they had notes for the last lecture. I often found myself running to class, Just so I could find a spot on which I could rest my head and just sleep without making a scene, Ironic because that’s the only time I ever spent in university chasing my dreams. And then after nights with a dead-mind, I’d den find myself in a queue of half-awake students, zombies, Waiting to hand in an assignment, Maybe that’s why they call it a deadline. And then after three years of mental suppression, And frustration, My â€Å"Proud Mother† didn’t even turn up to my graduation. Now, I’m not saying that school is evil and there’s nothing to gain, All I’m saying is: understand your morals and re-assess your aims, If you want a job working for someone else then help yourself, But then that would be a contradiction because you wouldn’t really be helping yourself, You’d be helping somebody else, There’s a saying that is: if you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to help build theirs. Redefine how you view education, Understand it’s true meaning, Education is not just about regurgitating facts from a book, Or someone else’s opinion on a subject to pass an exam,  Look at it. Picasso was educated at creating art, Shakespeare was educated in the art of all that was written, Colonel Harland Sanders was educated in the art of creating Ken Tucky Fried Chicken. I once saw David Beckham take a free kick, I watched as the side of his Adidas-sponsored boot hit the patent leather of the ball at an angle, Which caused it to travel towards the skies as though it was destined for the heavens, And then as it reached the peek of it’s momentum, As though it changed it’s mind, It switched directions. I watched as the goalkeeper froze,  As though reciting to himself the laws of physics, And as though his brain was negotiating with his eyes, That was indeed witnessing the spectacle that was the leather swan that was swooping towards it, And then reacted, Though only a fraction of a millisecond too late, And before the net of the goal, Embraced the Fifa-Sponsored ball as though it was the prodigal son returning home, And the country, that I live in, Erupted into cheers, I looked at the play and thought, Damn, Looking at David Beckham, There’s more than one way in this world to be, An educated man.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

”Medea” by Euripides Essay

‘Unclean, abhorrent child – destroyer.’ Medea’s murder of her children means she cannot be regarded as a true tragic hero. To what extent do you agree with this in view of Euripides’s presentations of Medea in the exodos? The image of Medea presented by Euripides in the exodos is undoubtedly largely horrifying and appalling to the audience. Medea manifestly presents her desire for revenge and it is difficult to sympathise with her character. However, in many respects her character fits the image of a tragic hero. Although, it is widely controversial to associate Medea with heroic aspects in modern days, from an ancient Greek’s perspective her actions and personality might well match aspects of the tragic hero such as consistency, appropriation, noble state, and tragic flaw. This essay will explore whether her presentation in the exodos as well as her actions in other circumstances justify her tragic hero status. First of all, Medea has always enjoyed a good reputation and high-rank in society. Her heroic identity symbolises the fact that she is a grand- daughter of the Sun. Moreover, Medea was a princess of Colchis and displayed a vast knowledge of enchantments and medicine. When Jason abandons her in a foreign land she becomes a ‘stateless refugee’ and her pride suffers. It has also been stated by the Chorus in the play: ‘Of all pains and hardships none is worse Than to be deprived of your native land’. [L.651-652] It seems intolerable for her to be rejected & homeless in a foreign land. We can infer this by the use of words such as ‘pains and hardships’ which emphasises her dramatic position through an accumulation of two similar meanings. Also, the word ‘deprived’ implies that Jason has taken her land almost physically. Here, the role of chorus modifies the structure in the play as they appearance break up the acts in the play. Thus, Euripides attaches an important role of the chorus to construct the play. Her behaviour has been farther explored by E.R Dodds who states that members of an ancient Greek society acknowledged ‘anything which exposes a man to the contempt or ridicule of his fellows, which causes them to â€Å"lose face,† †¦ as unbearable’. According to Aristotle, a tragic hero must hold noble, respected social status. It can be argued therefore that Medea’s murder of her children in exodos was a desperate and impulsive response to ‘the pressure of social conformity’ (Dodds) and a diseased attempt to gain back her reputation. Such actions are common in Greek tragedies such as The Oresteia where Atreus admitted an even larger horrific act of revenge against his brother who had affair with Atreus’s wife. Similarly, while Medea loses face when Jason abandons her, Atreus’s reputation suffers when his wife commits adultery. Nevertheless, later Atreus’s takes care of his brother’s son. This, as opposed to Medea, can be considered as tragic hero’s sense of guilt or, perhaps, the way to dispense justice. On the other hand, Medea doesn’t regret her actions. Her sense of guilt does not exist. Contrarily, she seems to be proud of her murder as she uses cynical and sarcastic techniques while she responds to Jason’s accusations in stichomythia: ‘Go home; your wife waits to be buried.’ The mention of Jason’s would-be wife is extremely cruel and tactless as previously, Medea mercilessly murdered her. In the exodos, Medea and Jason have a short and sharp exchange after Jason sees the dead bodies of his children. Questionably, Medea appears here to be extremely exultant, victoriously using cynical techniques untypical for the tragic hero such as ‘You grieve too soon. Old age is coming’. It is clear that Medea identifies her murder with a triumph over Jason. This opposes the fact that Medea can be regarded as a tragic hero because members of an ancient Greek society, despite their desire for high reputation, had a sense of guilt and justice which is described by E.R Dodds as a ‘gradually growing sense of guilt†¦which transformed into a punishment’ and ’embodiment of cosmic justice’. This implies that Medea as a tragic hero should regret her actions however, this never occurs. Instead, at the ending of the play, Medea and the bodies of her children are taken away by the gods in the shape of Deus ex Machina. Up until the exodos, Medea has had some features of a tragic hero. However in the exodos, the absence of any kind of regrets opens up a debate over whether Medea’s presentation can be truly regarded as a tragic hero. Here, the gods seem to appear strangely sympathetic in her murderous sufferings and surprisingly shocking in supporting Medea’s actions and punishing Jason. It can be argued that the gods support Medea and Deus ex Machina occurs in order to dispense justice by not allowing Jason to bury his children and leaving him unsatisfied. Although, the gods not always seem to make ‘right’ decision and sometimes their will performs as cruel and unmoral. It isn’t just the fact that Medea kills her children that seem to be questioning Medea’s heroic aspects. It is also true that Medea does not die. The play is in fact the only surviving Greek tragedy where the tragic hero doesn’t die. Furthermore, Medea is a woman driven by ‘male desire’. Her desire for revenge leads to her overcoming the sense of maternal instinct. Therefore, the Greek audience couldn’t completely regard Medea as a tragic hero and ‘yet the audience (†¦) shudder at the ruthless of her anger and passion for vengeance’ (Easterling). It is unclear whether Medea aims to portray herself as a woman or to employ the â€Å"heroic ‘male’ weapon†. She often sympathise with females as a group ‘We were born women – useless for honest purposes, But in all kinds of evil skilled practitioners’ [l.406-407] Here, Medea uses first person plural verb in order to become a representative of females. However, the fact that she lacks her maternal instinct and kills her children in ‘reaction to her dishonour’ and ‘her violence, which she herself abhors’ follow the idea of a male desire. At this point, it is difficult to define Medea as a tragic hero because she evidently contradicts the idea of consistency in that she portrays herself sometimes as a representative of oppressed women and sometimes as a ‘male hero’. It is largely controversial to argue that Medea’s presentation in the play (particularly in the exodos) is ‘good and appropriate’ (Aristotle). The tragic hero’s character should be ‘good if the purpose is good’ (Aristotle). Euripides’s presentation of Medea at the beginning of the play is to make the audience pity her dramatic position however, if we consider the fact that previously Medea has committed two acts of murder in order to marry Jason it is difficult to sympathise her. The murder of her children is a highly horrifying act of the play as the children plead for help (‘Help, help, for the gods’ sake! She’s killing us!). The repetitiveness of a word ‘help’ and their imprecations gives us a sense of their desperation. In this way, Medea fits her image of a tragic hero because according to Aristotle, ‘fear and pity must be aroused’ in circumstances in which a ‘tragic incident between those who are near or dear to one another’. Indeed, we pity characters in the exodos as the act of murder has been done at the expense of innocent children pleading for help. On the other hand, it has been investigated by P.E Easterling that â€Å"Euripides’ many imitators have tended to present Medea’s behaviour as that of madwomen†. This is because the way in which Medea murders her children is largely brutal as she uses a sword and seem to be murdering them in a mercilessly pattern. Therefore, even the Ancient Greek audience seems to reject the idea of Medea being ‘good and appropriate’. In addition, for Medea to fully fit the image of a Greek tragic hero it is essential that she has her tragic flaw which contributes to the downfall. It is necessary for the tragic heroes to be â€Å"wrapped in the mystery (†¦) with that ‘something beyond’ which we can only see through them, and which is the source of their strength and their fate alike†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Anderson) Without this, tragedy cannot be regarded as a tragedy itself. Therefore, in context of Medea, the equivalent of ‘something beyond’ can be considered her excessive pride and obsession with the ‘laughter of my enemies’. Even if the audience does not point out any indication of the ‘laughter’ of Medea’s enemies, she still insists their presence. She does not perceive the support of the women of Corinth (meaning the Chorus) or -perhaps, she does not want to perceive it. Therefore, Medea’s obsession with the ‘laughter’ of her enemies can be considered as the catalyst of her tragic downfall. However, it might be believed that this obsession cannot be regarded as the catalyst of her tragic downfall because it is clear that Medea fully acknowledg es her flaws and in her horrific act in the exodos she recognises that what’s she’s doing is wrong. In the line 1077 she says: ‘I understand The horror of what I am going to do’ Evidently, Medea appears to be aware of her tragic flaw and to accept the consequences. In this case, Medea cannot be regarded as a tragic hero because she acknowledges her flaws. Therefore, the Greek audience could not be entertained or surprised by Medea’s actions. We do not pity her because she accepts her tragic flaws throughout the play. Medea’s self-awareness of her immorality contradicts Anderson’s belief that ‘the message of tragedy is that men are better than they think they are. The message needs to be said over and over lest the race lose faith in itself entirely’. There is a large distinction between the recognition of a tragic hero in Ancient Greece and the modern world. We associate heroic aspects with goodness, appropriation and a well-developed sense of forgiveness. The presentation of Medea in the exodos as well as her actions throughout the play, strongly contradict with the principles of Christianity and her character appears as irrelevant to modern ideas. Unfortunately, Medea from the Ancient Greek’s point of view can be regarded as a tragic hero to a significant extent. The horrific act of murdering her children is insane and sickening; however, it is without doubt that it fits with the image of a tragic hero in a several respects. Bibliography Aristotle, Poetics. Trans. S.H. Butcher. Accessed 5th January 2012 P.E Easterling – ‘The Infanticide in Euripides’ Medea’, Yale Classical Studies, 25(1997) 193-225 Dodds, E.R. The Greeks and the Irrational. University of California Press, (2000). Allan, William. Euripides: Medea Duckworth Companions for Greek and Roman tragedy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (2002) Anderson, The Essence of Tragedy Northrop Frye,† The Mythos of Autumn† Word count: 1,496

Monday, July 29, 2019

Art of Graffiti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art of Graffiti - Essay Example . . . To them to get busted is like a Purple Heart. Nobody really slams the doors on those thugs. These graffiti vandals are causing people pain and grief. They think they're artists and have some right like free speech to express their individualism or artistry. If they want to be an artist they should go to work for a record company and do hip-hop CD covers. Graffiti might look good to them and their buddies, but the majority of the people don't want to look at that crap every day"2. As a matter of fact "any type of cultural or artistic production forces change on an environment. Most of the time, people abide by well-established rules for culture-producing activities. They do it through consuming certain products in certain ways or by creating symbols of their identity within the scope of what is legal for the entire society. In general, people who write graffiti produce culture in a different manner. No matter what it says, the manner in which graffiti is produced defines the writer's position as an outsider and alienates that person from the rest of society"3. Although there are hundreds of individual styles of graffiti, there are only seven basic forms in which it appears. These forms, the names of which are known to all graffiti writers, can be distinguished generally by their size, location, complexity of design, or the materials used to create them4. Bubble is a style, in which all similar to each other letters are rounded, joined with each other, and looks as though exaggerated, similar to bubbles bursting at the seams. More often it is used just few colors, basically two or three. This is one of the most popular styles of beginners. Wild Style differs from all the other styles, first of all, by the complexity of letters, which most often are non readable. They are so mazy that sometimes even people who know what's what in graffiti and write it, are not capable to puzzle out an inscription, let alone everymen. And only those, who draw in such style, without can easily read the text of the image. The point is that a writer adds additional elements to the letters, which distract attention from letters.FX (or 3D style) differs in absolute volume of letters. To think up such figure is very difficult. It is necessary to possess not ordinary imagination and uncommon thinking to draw a word in volume. Thus, it is necessary that all letters were combined with each other, and it was clear enough what is written. Far not every writer is capable to do it. Moreover a writer needs many years of trainings to write graffiti in this style.Messiah Style. Originality of this style is that letters look like written on separate she ets and imposed on each other. This style has been invented by the inhabitant of New York Vulcan, which works are characterized by original color scale. Charater is a style, in which the characters from the style of comics are used. Sometimes there is a framework of speech, in which can be present the signature of the writer (autograph), or speech of the character. On background often there is an inscription executed in other style. At

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Finance Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Finance Assessment - Essay Example In this concept one stocks performance is benchmarked by the performance of another stock. The returns which will be generated are compared relatively to other stocks of similar nature operating in the markets (Gitman, 2003). The major difference between both the absolute and relative return is that absolute return is concerned about the returns which are generated from one particular asset or stock, whereas in relative return the stock is compared or benchmarked with the measures of other stocks. The most debated concept of Security Analysis and Portfolio Management is about the understanding whether a portfolio has been properly analyzed for the returns which the investors will get or understanding the relative performance of that particular stock in the markets (Deloitte, 2010). The investors need to redefine the definition of risk, how it is measured and how to deal with it and for this reason; investors create a portfolio of different stocks and securities. Alpha and Beta are th e tools used by the investors to assess their portfolios and measure whether or not their investments are generating the expected returns considering the risk they are taking. Assessing a portfolio in terms of both Alpha and Beta, the investor will have more control over the portfolio and he will maximize the returns by minimizing risk (Koba, 2012). The measurement of an investment on risk adjusted basis is called Alpha. Investors seek to minimize risk and increase returns (Loth, 2007). The stock prices are subject to volatility. The price risk associated to a portfolio determines the return expected by the investor. The additional return which an investor gets on a portfolio apart from the benchmark set is called Alpha. A negative Alpha of a portfolio shows underperformance (Faulkenberry, n.d.). Beta is a tool which is used to measure the volatility of risk associated to a portfolio as compared to the performance of the market. Regression analysis is used to calculate Beta. In othe r terms Beta is the propensity of investment return to respond to the market volatility. The lower the value of Beta, lesser will be the volatility of the stock with respect to the market. Both Alpha and Beta are popular tools used for the measurement of volatility. Alpha compares the asset returns on the investment to the risk adjusted expected returns whereas Beta is the movement of the asset along with the benchmark that has been set by the market. Alpha is very important for assessing the growth and the returns that are associated to the portfolio. It depends on the structure of the portfolio, the investor and the market which is being analyzed that which factor either the Beta or the Alpha will be critically significant for the investor (Seeking Alpha, 2011). With the varying school of thoughts the perceptions of the importance of Alpha or Beta vary. Alpha and Beta alone do not possess the potential to assess the risk instantly and adjust the portfolio for the returns. Alpha al one is not sufficient to assess the skills which are derived from the leverage of the portfolio. It is not suitable for a risk averse investor and may end up being a misleading performance measure for the investors. The value of Alpha itself is not sufficient for the assessment of the stock but it can be used if a benchmark of the portfolio is set. Beta does not possess this benefit. The direction of the market cannot be assessed by the benchmark Beta set for the portfolio. The use of Alpha and the speculations made by using it are very consistent. The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Policy argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Policy argument - Essay Example Accordingly, this paper would be divided into several categories wherein reasons for the cessation of troop deployment to the Iraqi and Afghan warzones would be in the best interest of all the stakeholders, including alternative policies currently undertaken and feasible proposals by respective governments. First and foremost however, a factual backdrop would be necessary regarding troop deployment in Afghanistan and Iraq. In February and March 2009, respectively, the Obama Administration declared its strategy to amplify troop deployment levels in Afghanistan, while providing for the decrease of troop deployment levels in Iraq. In Afghanistan, 30,000 more troops are deploying this year while in Iraq; troops will gradually decline to 35,000 to 50,000 by August 31, 2011 with all troops to be out of Iraq by December 31, 20111 (Belasco, 2009). The possibility of increase in troop deployment in the aforementioned warzones has been met with reluctance, and even expresses political disappro val by several of the stakeholders. Conversely, the counter-proposal of withdrawal is constantly gaining support, from the US and the invaded countries themselves. In the case of the United States of America, public support for the war has constantly waned. Both public opinion and government policy require the means to cease or at least lessen further war expenditure and troop deployment. Recent events relative to the conduct of the war continually depreciate popular support at home for the United States. US military causalities in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, and Operation Enduring Freedom total to 6049 soldiers killed in action, further fanning public outrage against the conflicts, apart from hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq2 Accordingly, the economy of the US is also one of the major concerns. The  financial cost of the war  for the US has reached almost $845 billion  to the U.S., while the entire cost to the U.S. economy is projected to amount to  $3 trillion, a majority of which to be shouldered by American taxpayers.3 The conflict has also disrupted Iraqi  oil  production, which has spawned energy security concerns such as significant increases in the price of oil, thus disrupting the world economy. 4 The conflicts also have had adverse effects for international political relations. These include the circumstances of the legality and morality of the invasion, including the refusal of the US to comply with UN Security Resolutions and international law. Public opinion of several countries and diplomatic relations with Middle Eastern countries and their allies has also been severely affected. The US has been portrayed as imperialists and hegemons, effecting to massive protests not only in the Middle East, but also in Europe and even the US itself, drawing comparisons of the war to the Vietnam War 5. With regard to Afghanistan, political analysts have asserted that the democratization and develo pment of the country has been obscured by a â€Å"lack of agreement on objectives, a lack of resources, lack of coordination, too much focus on the central government at the expense of local and provincial governments, and too much focus on

Friday, July 26, 2019

You need to give the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

You need to give the topic - Essay Example It is seen that geologically speaking the land can be divided into five tectonic periods of the tectonic evolution of the area. The present landform of the country is based in the era Miocene-early Pleistocene or â€Å"neotectonic period†. China is a land which exhibits great mountains of Himalayas and then plains with beautiful valleys of Karst landscape. Himalayas play a vital role in the sediment formation of the rivers which lead into the Bay of Bengal. The intraplate is seen deformed in China which is a vital part when speaking of Chinese tectonic plates. It is a part of the Eurasian continental plate and is coherent plus is unified lithospheric plate. The land area is made up of intense collision and folding with wide magmatism and metamorphism of orientated linear and foliar structures and thus, the land includes a wide range of geological morphism (Virtual Upper Mantle of the Earth). Central China is located on the loess plateau which can be accounted as the world’s largest Quaternary loess deposits. The fertile and alluvial land is located in the east of china from the Yangzi river delta to the south with a mark of highlands and peninsula of Shandong. The south of the Yangzi river mostly constitutes of the mountainous region and in the area, there is a dominance of sedimentary deposit because of the river and the Yangzi craton. Green fields are a part of the karst landscape which constitutes the Guangxi and Yunnan provinces. The border with Korea is mountain oriented but much of the northeast of the country is made up of the alluvial plains. In the west of the country, is the Tibetan plateau which is in elevation about 4000 meters. China is made up of hundreds of sedimentary basins. India is one of the neighbor countries and it is seen that the collision of the Indian subcontinent which was a part of the Antarctica, there was a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What are the key contributions of buyers in the successful completion Essay

What are the key contributions of buyers in the successful completion of the company budget - Essay Example The links of buyers on myriad operational activities provide great influence in budget allocation. Since the responsibility of overseeing interrelated functions concerning a product range within a particular category which includes selection, sales and profitability lies on the buyer, creating the company budget entails major involvement of the buyer. Starting from the analysis of potential movements in the market, the buyer assures that buying operations fit within the overall financial budget by providing the appropriate information during the planning stage of the company when budget setting takes place. Historical analysis is a useful tool for the buyer in making judgments that concern market developments particularly on the acquisition of supplies. Aside from looking at past sales, the buyer also looks at expectations of price fluctuations and movements taking into consideration various factors that affect the market value of production inputs based on opportunities present in t he market. With market analysis, the buyer provides the information necessary for the generation of the budget.Trading operations of the company depend on a structured, achievable and accurate budget derived from sound information and because the buyer is involved in liaising with other departments and suppliers, the understanding of the buyer in relation to the market is the key for presenting the outline of finances. Through thorough research and evaluation of product and price trends, the buyer assures that the company budget sustains organizational activities. ... The collection of garment supplies revolve around the budget constraints set by the company. Through budget allocation, decisions on acquisition take place. In the process of allocation, the paths of the company money is traced in every aspect it is used. Money spending decisions of the company in the course of acquisitions of necessary supplies provide an outline of the range structure. With the range structure, the buyer makes decisions on the selection of product ranges aimed at a specific market that will make the department operations together with other related business functions run smoothly and in line with the set objectives of the company. What Are the Key Inputs of Buyers into the Promotional Calendar In the pursuit of accomplishing the series of events planned by the company to make products known to the market, the buyer is involved and functions in coordination with the marketing department. The buyer ensures that purchasing activities complement the visions of the marketing department as set on the promotional calendar. This is undertaken through an efficient and effective planning of ranges to assure that actions of the buyer in relation to the collection of garments for the specified period coincide with what the marketing department is trying to pursue. Promotion is an essential factor in the success of the fashion products of a company since the activity provides the target market with the vital information regarding the products offered to them. Brand awareness and brand recall is instituted in the course of promotional undertakings of products targeted to be sold. With the promotion of a product, demand is expected to be created and as a result boost sales. The impact of the promotional campaign whether in print advertisements

Gallery Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gallery Paper - Essay Example The contrast makes every item stand out. The artist has also used light colors in painting parts that get exposure to light and darker colors for parts that do not meet light. The artist has also used colors that characterize the items in real-life. For example, the skin of the people in the artwork is brown just as in real-life. Shape. The art entails many shapes that combine to form the people and objects on the picture. Since this picture is a representation of natural objects, the writer mostly uses freehand shapes. Such shapes, usually, consist of curved lines that are drawn or painted without the help of drawing instruments. Texture. The artist does not lose the texture of the objects despite the art being visual. It is full of visual impressions of texture. The clothes the two human beings are wearing have crescents and valleys that are not tactile, but visual. On the other hand, their bodies and the objects in the background also appear very smooth. Space. The artist creates an illusion of a third dimension by manipulating light, shading and overlap (Prince 13). The crescents on the clothes of the two human beings appear to overlap each other. Every crescent appears to be on top of the preceding one. The artist also creates a third dimension through using dark and light colors on different parts of the painting. For example, the woman’s forehead is bright while her cheeks are dark. Apart from shading, overlap and lighting, linear perspective also helps in the creation of the third dimension. For example, the windowpanes in the background vary in size depending on the proximity to the main picture. Harmony. The work has an extensive amount of harmony. The colors appropriately combine with each other. There is harmony between the colors of the clothes the two people are wearing. Besides the harmony in color, the shapes of the items are very consistent. In the background, the windowpanes are similar in size and color. The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Book Banning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Book Banning - Essay Example One could always come out with the excuses that a specific work of literature or a book could destabilize the society or may have a drastic affect on the impressionable minds (Nocera, 1982).. However, the very act of banning books violates the freedom of speech guaranteed in the constitution and amounts to the deplorable act of suppressing an idea. No free society can allow for the suppression of original and innovative ideas. Freedom and creativity is primarily about allowing for a free play of ideas in a nation and a society, and the act of censorship or the suppression of ideas amounts to intellectual and academic elitism or for that matter orthodoxy. Books should never be banned, especially in the multicultural societies, which are always open to relative and multiple interpretations of ideas. In a free society, every idea and ideology has the right to find its place in the print. Just because a vast section of the society or a majority group does not particularly agree with an idea, this in no way allows for constraining or hampering the dissemination of an idea cherished and liked by a minority part of the society. Certainly, it does not mean that there exists nothing like bad or evil ideas. However, even if an idea is bad or evil in its ramifications, the censorship or banning of such an idea not only bolsters its hold over the society, but hits hard at the very fundamental ethos of the democratic societies like free speech, tolerance and the acceptance of off beat or innovative ideas and views. Ideas should be counteracted, and opposed by ideas and not by autocratic and coercive means like statutory provisions and government al or state regulation (Nocera, 1982). Such ethos not only allow a society to be ever fresh, innovative and vibrant, but usher in a quintessentially tolerant and catholic intellectual atmosphere, where a free flow and interaction of multiple ideas leads to growth, development and a continual revival of the society. A controversial work of literature always has the potential to give way to debates and discussions in the social arena, which is the hallmark of all the free and democratic societies.To some extent, the banning of the books is justified, especially in the contemporary scenarios marred by a widespread proliferation of hate ideologies and international terrorism. However, the kind of books that need to be banned are the ones that promote hate and intolerance against a particular section of the society, that teach people to operate lethal weapons and how to make bombs, that intend to perpetrate violence and abuse, that threaten or intimidate the masses or that discernibly an d unambiguously intend to jeopardize social, religious and political harmony and tolerance. Yet, the very act of censorship and book banning cold be carried beyond the limits of reason and understanding by framing or dubbing the diverse or varied interpretations of ideas as being blasphemous, anti-social, pervert or unpatriotic. So its better that the national conscience and the state focus their power on obstructing and suppressing the obviously violent and intolerant groups and texts,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 32

Case Study Example Printed catalog is the major focus area of IKEA marketing strategy. In fact the company spends most of its marketing budget on this area every year. Catalog entailing 300 to 400 pages is produced in 30 languages in 59 editions. Around 200 million catalog copies were circulated in 2012. In 2013 IKEA catalog incorporated new characteristics of special symbols that could be read by IKEA Android and iPhone apps. When the symbols are scanned, customers are fascinated by the presentation of detailed information about IKEA products. These apps also offer 3D product models and videos explaining ‘how to’ (Copeland and Hartline, 495). Similar real experience applies in the internet as attested by (Copeland and Hartline, 495). Customers are allowed to download programs that guide them in redesigning kitchens, bathroom and bedrooms. Customers can also view products online. Data entailing local events of every store, product and service specials as well as promotions, is also available in the website. This expands customer knowledge of products, services, motivation, events among other concerned business information. However, the drawback with regard to the website is that it does not entirely allow customers to purchase items online. Consumers have to visit the stores to access and purchase products. About 30 percent of the product line is allowed for purchase online. Moreover, in order to reach its target customers, IKEA catalog employs the use of radio, television and communication via the internet. The fact that IKEA lets its consumers to experience shopping experience by themselves, motivates customers towards purchasing items at IKEA stores. The materials that IKEA provides for its customers make it easier to shop. The showrooms in the floor display furniture of the company with several accessories that will make the style noticeable for consumers. This frees the customers from salespersons working on commission, according to Copeland and Hartline, (497). This

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Purposes Of Education Essay Example for Free

The Purposes Of Education Essay Workshop Foundations The purpose of the workshop is to present the purposes of education. For the purpose of this objective, the participants of the workshop will be asked to participate in group activities that will allow them to experience a purpose of education. Their experience in the activities will then be shared trough discussion group with the rest of the workshop participants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Each of the activities assigned to each group are designed to illustrate how the process of education supports its purposes. The purposes of education, as to be presented during the Introduction of Workshop by Team 1 have been summarized as follows: Education is to teach members of society ethical and moral values, the social system which includes social order, politics and economics as well as the standards and norms expected from each member of that society (Sever, 2006) Education has the purpose of developing competencies and knowledge for the individual and social productivity, allowing individuals the ability to empower themselves and preserve society (Anderson, 2005). Education is a means to realize human potential and achieving self-worth (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ESD Section, 2007) Task Schedule The activity will me be led by a management team made up of four teams. Three of the teams or management team member will be assigned to supervise a workshop group with their activity. The fourth team will handle the introduction and processing of the workshop activities. The workshop activities for each group will be discussed in detail in later section of the paper. The schedule or outline of activities will be as followed strictly to ensure the group and worship activities will be accomplished and to promote the management of activities. Task # Task Team-in-charge Time allotted (minute/s) Activities 1 Introduction of Workshop 1 2 Presentation of workshop objectives and requirements. 2 Presentation of literature defining the purpose of education 2 Introduction of workshop management teams and their roles 2 Division into groups 1 2 Participants will be asked to count-off to form three groups, groups A, B and C. 1 Participants will be asked to go to their respective group managers[1] 3 Group activity 2, 3, 4 1 Orientation of team tasks[2] 8 Groups will work independently to accomplish the task/scenario given to them. 2 After accomplishment of the tasks, Teams will lead the processing for their respective groups[3]. 4 Workshop processing 1 4 The task/activity of each group will be presented by a group member and their ideas they have listed during group processing 2 Comparison and contrast of ideas listed during group processing and the presented definitions of the purpose of education 4 Discussion the significance of the understanding the purpose of education and the activities from each group    Group Activities Group A   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The city is hosting a number of groups of varying cultures and ethnicity. There has been a history of conflicts among some groups because of cultural conflicts. A few of the groups have limited interaction with other groups. At the same time, some social service and public officers have had difficulty in encouraging social participation among groups that have led to some difficulties in delivering primary services. One of the strategies that has been seen to improve relationships among these groups is by using schools as a platform? Do you believe that such interventions will be effective? Explain and discuss with your group.    Group B   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is a greater demand for computer literacy today. Companies consider computer skills as a minimum requirement for employment. At the same time, many services and personal activities also require a degree of computer proficiency which includes banking, communications and filing for taxes among others. Thus, many schools have invested in the procurement of these technological tools and teachers have been encouraged to incorporate computers and other technologies to their classes. This has entailed a significant resource investment that is need just as much in the development of new infrastructure, improving compensation of teaching personnel or allocating it for support services for students. Do you think schools are justified in their investment in computer literacy? Explain and discuss with your group.    Group C   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the UNESCO, one of their motivations in emphasizing the importance of education in developing countries is its potential in contributing to national development. Do you believe that such a perspective is valid? How can education contribute to national development indicators such as gross domestic product, unemployment and crime rate? In turn, how can the improvement of such development indicators enhance the quality of human life? Explain and discuss with your group.    References Anderson, Jo Anne (2005). Accountability in education. Education Policy Series. Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning – International Academy of Education and UNESCO Jones, Reilly (2003). Purpose of Education. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from Majhanovich, Suzanne (2002). Conflicting visions, competing expectations: Control and de-skilling of educationa perspective from Ontario. McGill Journal of Education, April. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from Sever, Rita (2006). Educational Policy Borrowing: Historical Perspectives. International Sociology, May (21): 483 – 487 The Meaning of Education (2002).   Teachers Mind Resources. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ESD Section, 2007 UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: The First Two Years. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, March (1): 117 – 126 [1] Team 1 will be assigned to handle Group A, Team 2 to Group B and Team 3 to Group C [2] Teams will explain to their respective groups the task assigned for their team. Team managers will establish roles and for the group members and guid them in the accomplishment of their objective [3] Processing will be the identification of the purpose of education highlighted by the activity. Responses will be summarized by Teams for their respective groups on posters assigned for each group or onto the presentation slides reserved for workshop processing. The posters will be displayed and utilized during workshop processing

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Design and Construction of Liquefaction Tank

Design and Construction of Liquefaction Tank Chapter 3. Methodology As mentioned in previous chapters, the objective of the project is to design and construct a liquefaction tank to be used during geotechnical engineering lectures and laboratory sessions to demonstrate the liquefaction phenomenon fundamental concept. Existing liquefaction models The liquefaction demonstration tank is not anything new. In fact, it is a classic in a geotechnical engineering program. This demonstration experiment tends to leave a lasting impression on the students mind. It is easy to find numerous figures and pictures of a basic quicksand model. For example, Holtz and Kovacs (1981) demonstrate a conceptual design diagram of a liquefaction tank, as shown in figure 3.1. The model consists of two tanks. The water tank is at the bottom and the top tank contains sand. A pump is used to pump the water from the bottom tank into the sand tank, creates the upward flow in the quicksand tank. Flowing through the porous stone layer at the bottom of the sand tank, the upward water pressure is distributed evenly over the entire base of the sand layer, keeping the porewater pressure constant throughout. Number of piezometers is installed directly onto the sand tank at different level, which enables water heads within the quicksand tank during the experiment t o be observed and readings to be taken. From the literature research, there are two existing quicksand models built at other universities, pictures of which are obtained. Essentially, the concept is similar in both tanks. There are two separate containers, one on the top contains sand specimen and a tank with water at the bottom that will be used to fill and drain the sand tank into. Figure 3.2 shows the model at the University of Illinois which is very similar to the diagram in figure 3.1. The other liquefaction tank shown in figure 3.3 is built at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Instead of using pump, a standpipe is used to create and control the upwards flows in the sand tank. Also the piezometers in this model are installed on a separated board. Using flexible tubes, they are connected to valves installed at the side of the tank. A dial-gauge used to measure the vertical settlement of the object on top of the sand mass when it liquefies. Design of the model After evaluating all of the existing liquefaction models, an outline drawing including all dimensions and key features was drawn as shown in figure 3.4. The main concept of the model is kept the same as those existing models. Utilising a hydraulic bench to contain water and support the sand tank, pump and water tank is not be needed. As for the liquefaction tank, there are numerous requirements that its design has to meet. First all of the tank, measured 500x500x700mm, must be make strong enough to support the pressure created by the sand and water mass (about 200kg) in side. It also needs to be made water proof to prevent water from leaking out. One of the important requirements is that the tank must be transparent enough to enable a clear visual of the sand and the phenomenon happens in site to be observed. Taking all consideration into account, the sand tank is made out of fabricated Perspex panels glued together using impermeable glue. Similar to the model at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, five piezometers are installed on a separated board and connected to the tank using flexible tubes. This enables the model to be moved around safer and easier compared with rigid piezometers installed on the tank due to the significant height required. The tank also has two valves one on side acting as the inlet and out let, which helps to control the upward flow inside the tank. An overflow tube also is incorporated at the top. At each tube and valves connections, filter is used to prevent the sand particles from leaking out. Inside the tank, there nine plastic cylinders placed at the bottom of the tank to support the mass. The sand will sit on a layer porous stone of 40mm thick which contained by 2 layers of metal meshes with drilled holes. This allows the upward water flow to be distributed evenly over area of the sand mass base. Layers of geotextile are placed between the stone layer and the sand layer, which effectively stops the fine particles from leaking down to the porous stone layer. The sand was filled up to the height of the fifth piezometer which made up a total thickness of 430mm from the metal mesh base. The sand tank is placed on top of the hydraulic bench. There is also a steel frame support to be made in the future to secure the tank to the bench, enables it to be moved around safely. Based on these drawings, with the assistance of our departmental senior technicians, the tank was constructed as shown in figure 3.5. There is a small modification to the design, which the valves are not connected directly onto the side panel but through a thick layer of Perspex prevents any crack to occurs at the connections. Similar to the model at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, a dial gauge attached to a steel bar place over the top of the tank, is used to measure the vertical settlement of the model. A metal string helps to secure the structure model to the steel bar, which enable the model to be taken out of the tank easily after completely sinking into the sand mass. Testing materials Porous stone layer As described in the final design of the model, there is a porous stone layer with a thickness of 40mm placed between the sand and the mesh support. For this project, 10mm concrete aggregate was used to make up this stone layer. A sieve analysis was carried out on a 1 kg of sample to determine the grain size redistribution of this type of aggregate. Leighton Buzzard sand Once constructed, the model was used for testing liquefaction resisting performance of number of different type of structures. For these tests, Leighton Buzzard Sand fraction C was used. This was supplied by the David Ball Group, Cambridge, UK, confirming to BS 1881-131:1998. After performing number of classification tests namely maximum and minimum density and sieve analysis on the 0.5kg sample, properties of the sand were determined as follows. Specific gravity of the Leighton Buzzard Sand fraction C was 2.65. Minimum and maximum dry densities were 1.40 g/cm3 and 1.68 g/cm3, respectively. These are value corresponding to the maximum and minimum void ratios which were calculated as 0.89 and 0.58, respectively. More than 80% of the coarse sand particles, which are rounded and mainly quartz, are between (around) 300 ÂÂ µm and 600 ÂÂ µm which meets the BS 1881-131:1998 standard. Resisting structure models For this project, three small models with similar weight were made, representing three different foundation designs as shown in figure 3.6. All three models have same shape, weight and made of the same materials. Table 3.1 shows the dimension and weight of the models. Models A represents pile foundation for high raise buildings and large infrastructures. Model B represents a typical mat foundation which is a shallow foundation for small and medium houses and apartment buildings. Model C acts as the control which is just a standard block structure without foundation. Testing procedures To enable a comparison of the performance of the different types of foundations, the liquefaction tank was used to create the quicksand condition, in which the model placed on top of the sand surface, starts to sink down when the top sand layer liquefied. As mentioned in the literature review, there are various factors that can influent the liquefaction susceptibility namely soil particle grain size, upwards seepage and level of compaction. For this experiment to be accurate, all of the above parameters were kept approximately constant from one test to the other. The same sand, Leighton Buzzard (fraction C) was used in all three tests. Initial water level within the tanks as well as the flow rate controlled by the inlet valve with also was kept the same. All nine supports were placed at the bottom of the liquefaction tank, followed by the metal mesh and the qeotextile layer. A 40mm thick layer of cleaned concrete aggregate was put on top of the geotextile and slightly compacted. Another layer of geotextile and metal mesh were put in before pouring the sand in. The sand were poured into the tank and compacted evenly in three layers. Once the model and the dial gauge were installed on top of the tank, the experiment was ready to run. While the outlet was completely closed, the inlet valve was opened to allow the water is pumped in the tank creating an upward flow, hence the change in pore water pressure between the sand particles and the increase in the water level in the piezometers. Hydraulic heads reading from the piezometers at different levels were recorded periodically and later on used to determine pore water pressure inside the tank. As predicted by the theory, as the inlet, valve 1, is opened to let the water to flow in, the h ead at the bottom of the sand layer will gradually increase and eventually to a sufficient value which can cause the sand to liquefy. The upward seepage forces will balance the downwards gravitational forces created by the sand mass. Hence rendering the shear strength of the sand to zero, any structure/object placed on top of the sand surface will sink in gradually sink into the sand mass. The whole procedure of the test will be recorded using a digital camera for reference when analyzing the data. As can be noticed form the figure 3.5, a small amount of blue dye was added to all five piezometers, to enhance the visibility of the water level inside the tube, especially when taking pictures and video. This can cause the non unity density of the liquid inside the whole length of the tube and result in the inaccurate measurements of the heads in the tank. However, since the amount of dye is minimal and taking the non unity of the water inside the tank, it is assumed that the head represented by the piezometers is approximately same as the head inside the tanks. In fact, this can be shown in figure 3.7, where inlet and outlet valves are closed, the water level inside the tank is stationary. The different in heads caused by the non unity of the fluid can hardly be seen in all five piezometer. Data collection Liquefaction is a phenomenon that tends to occur very quickly. Therefore manual readings taking from all five piezometers are difficult and not very accurate. For this project, a digital camera was used to capture pictures at interval and record a video of the whole experiment. From the reading of the piezometers, porewater pressures at different level inside the tank will be calculated during the whole experiments. From these data, graph of settlement against porewater pressure will be plotted for each experiment. Since all other parameters were kept constant from one test to the other, excepts for the type of foundation used, therefore difference between graphs will enable a comparison between the different type of foundation to be drawn.

Peer Pressure in Gang Violence

Peer Pressure in Gang Violence One of the Gang Peer group pressure is a major problem for teens now days, caused by pressure require by others and their wanting to fit into certain groups. The negative peer group is being named by the society as gangs. Adolescents associated with these groups feel they gained prestige. Nevertheless, not all peer group pressure has negative influence, like academic and athletic achievement. (Ayres Nalebuff, 2005) Based on studies, most teens/adolescents think that joining a group gives them popularity with their peers. The average teen feels pressure either from the school, peers, or parents; thus enticing the need to belong to groups. Oftentimes, they get involved in violence, alcohol or drugs users, and sex. Studies will prove that high school students give more time with their friends than with parents or other influential adults. Teenagers who get involved with delinquent friends shun themselves away from good or straight kids and choose to fit in to their own kind. Nowadays, majority of families are headed by single parents, most of them mothers, who work extra jobs. Single parent are spending little time with their teens, thus leaving them victim to peer group pressure. Research shows that peer group pressure may lead to delinquent behavior among teenagers, which includes criminal acts such as motor vehicle theft, burglary, and robbery and others (Cabot, M. (2007). Peer pressure can manipulate a person into smoking, drinking, or doing drugs and other things that is harmful to his/her body. Nevertheless, peer pressure can also be supportive by influencing someone to do the right thing instead of wrong. For instance, a person can be a model to his/her friends and let them know he/she wants to do right and he/she wants to change how he/she acts or what he/she was like. Some people struggle because they are depressed by what they have done or what people done to hurt their feelings in the past (Healey, J. 2007). Peer Pressure is said to be responsible for teenagers behaviors starting from choice in clothing to drug usage. A study shows that the outcome of peer pressure on teenagers behavior may be highly overestimated. This study was published in Addiction (Vol. 91, No. 2), adds to a increasing body of research that implies peer pressure is a weaker factor in adolescent behavior than many had believed. Much emphasis is not given on peer pressure, dont discuss or do not look hard for evidence of other factors. Going back and try to critically examine the importance of peer pressure. Researchers did studies over a twenty year span to find that peer pressure was easily blamed for teenage behavior but never examined. Other issues such as family life, economic background, environment, and biological tendencies all may be as important as or even more important than peer pressure in determining behavior. Teenagers who smoke tends to choose peers who smoke as friends and children with the same habit s have a tendency to hang together. Peer pressure can be least factor in the use of drugs and other habits related to adolescent life, but nonetheless peer pressure is a factor that influences drug use among teenagers. From ages twelve to nineteen is a stage in a teenagers life that determines what kind of adult he or she will become. This stage of adolescence, known as the formative years, is the subject of deeper study and research to establish why adolescents are vulnerable to the phenomenon called peer pressure. Disturbing number of incidents of teenage drug use, pregnancy and teenage suicide is the best reason to fuel the need for such research. Probably because as children they are taught the importance of having and maintaining friends or maybe they dont feel that they can talk to their parents or teachers when problems arise. Or perhaps simple reason as wanting to rebel against the pressures placed on them as youths. Because adolescents spend their time either at home or in school, it is within these confines that the answers to adolescents behavior lay. In other words, family and school can sometimes cause adolescents to give in to peer pressure because of an overemphasis on the importance of social adjustment, a lack of interest or communication on the part of the parents and teachers, and the unrealistic expectations that these entities create. Even if the reason for attending school is to receive an education, it also gives children with a medium through which they can develop relationships with other children that eventually turn into friendships. Their capability in forming friendships can be traced back to even the pre-school years and its importance emphasized by eager parents who want their children to fit in at school. Interactions with friends or other peers are crucial for the development of a mature morality. Almost all would agree that social interaction is essential but at times parents are guilty of over-stressing this importance. For Example, the birthday parties where every child in the neighborhood was invited to come regardless of whether or not they were actual friends. The need to socialize children also happens in the classroom at school. The classroom represents not only an educational ground but a powerful social context in which the psychological adjustment of children and adolescents can be influence d. Teachers promote social interaction by assigning exercises that necessitate working in pairs or groups. Besides, when a teacher notice a child playing alone, they will persuade him or her to join the other children failing to notice the possibility that the child might have preferred to be alone. Therefore, from an early age, children are taught to value the importance of social interaction and this value remains in them as they move into the adolescent years. Result of which is that adolescents value their friendships deeply and in some cases more so than their relationships with family members. This accounts for the adolescent not being able to deny their friends for fear of losing the bonds that they have formed and is the cause of their greater vulnerability to peer pressure. Having experienced peer pressure, during my adolescent years in order to fit in, because its not easy being the only one doing something different. Oftentimes, I feel worried Ill be picked on if I dont go with the crowd, or I lose my friends. Other times I do stuff because I think my friends will like me more, or because my gangs are doing it, so it seems normal. Both close friendships and wider friendship groups have provided opportunities for me to join them, and that was to smoking. Until I realized that I was into smoking for a longer period of time and hard to quit. But I asked myself if I was doing what I really think is right or just giving in to my peers pressure to impress my friends and my gang. But as I grow older, I was faced with some challenging decisions. Some of them dont have a clear right or wrong answer. Meaning I dont really know if what I was doing was really good for me. I realized that making decisions on my own was hard enough, but when people got involved and tried to pressure me one way or another, it was even harder. People, who were my age, like classmates and gangs. They tried to influence how I act, to get me to do something I do not really want to do. But because I want to stay in the gang, I was pressured to do things and sometimes overdo them to impress my gang. The peer pressure during my adolescent years was really something I had to deal with, maybe even adults too. I underwent a peer mentoring program, which matches older youths with younger ones. The former provide the latter with guidance, advice, and all forms of support I need to be able to meet challengers of my adolescent life. The older youth do not only serve as mentors but as role models to the younger ones like me. They were not perfect but having been through the same stage and most likely, the same problems, predicaments, and challenges in their homes, school and community; they are in the position to provide friendly advice, positive influences, attention and moral support to me and other younger teens. I learned to choose my friends wisely. Focus on developing firm friendships with people with the same values and ideas like me. Even having one friend who will back me up when I want to go against the group will help. I learned to be strong and just go with what I know is right. Good friends respect my individuality and I stood up for what I believe in and learned to respect myself more. Giving in to peer pressure tapers off later in life. If adolescents realize that social interaction is important but only to a certain point, then they will have the strength to say no to their friends. Similarly, if parents and teachers somehow found a way to better communicate with their children and students respectively, these adolescents would most likely come to share their feelings with them and not rely so much on their peers for feedback. (Havelin, K. 2000) And lastly, if parents and teachers became aware of the unrealistic expectations they place on teenagers, the result would be a decrease in conflict as well as a decrease in the number of adolescents who feel the need to rebel through conformity to peer pressure. In other words, examining the ways in which family and school cause adolescents to give in to peer pressure leads to a resolution of the causes. What is the overall result? Adolescents have a healthier sense of the meaning of friendships, they have an alternative other than peers to whom they can turn to and they are freed from any unrealistic expectations that they themselves cant understand. But most importantly, they become less susceptible to the traps of peer pressure, thereby, giving in to peer pressure is narrow (Kaplan, 1983). Learning about human development should give you a deeper understanding of the many different pathways humans can take as they grown and develop through the lifespan. It is important to understand child life from the childs point of view. This means understanding how the way we see and make sense of the world is affected by cognitive-developmental factors. The same applies to understanding adolescents and adults or all ages. Physical, cognitive and social capacities are intertwined. A change in how we understand the world has implications for how we interact with others which in turn has an impact on physical development. Conversely, playing games provides experiences with groups that foster new understandings about the physical and social universe. Development is profoundly affected by social context (culture and social institutions). Our beliefs about the nature of development what is normal and what is not normal are anchored in a particular social, historical and cultural conte xt. Understanding human development can help you better understand your own life experiences and life course. It can foster enhanced self-understanding and personal growth. Beneficial societal change is possible and individuals and groups can change social institutions and policies for the better. Understanding human development deeply and in context can help us better appreciate human wisdom and human fallibility. This, in turn, can help us become more creative, innovative and effective teachers. Peer pressure can be described as a positive or negative reaction that occurs when one is influenced by certain people or peers. Peer pressure is constantly surrounding us. One can first be introduced to peer pressure at a very young age and young people can be influenced easier then mature adults. I believe family members, friends and religious institutions have the strongest influence of peer pressure on society. But from past experiences, friends have the strongest influence on teenagers. With the proper guidance and right choice of friends, one will not have any trouble with lifes difficult decisions, and will hopefully, do the right thing. Ayres, I., Nalebuff, B. (2005). Peer Pressure. FORBES. 175 (7), 118-118. Cabot, M. (2007). Pants on fire. New York: HarperTeen. Havelin, K. (2000). Peer pressure: how can I say no? Perspectives on relationships. Mankato, Minn: LifeMatters Healey, J. (2007). Peer pressure. Thirroul, N.S.W.: Spinney Press. Kaplan, L. S. (1983). Coping with peer pressure. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. Hersch, P. (1998). A tribe apart: a journey into the heart of American adolescence. New York: Fawcett Columbine.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Feminine Sexuality in The Storm Essay -- Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin's short story 'The Storm'; describes an encounter of infidelity between two lovers during a brief thunderstorm. The story alludes to the controversial topic of women's sexuality and passion, which during Chopin's time no one spoke about much less wrote about. So controversial was 'The Storm,'; that it was not published until after her death in eighteen ninety-nine. The story is broken up into five sections, each filled with small clues and hints that reflect her message. In short, Kate Chopin's 'The Storm'; is about a confirmation of feminine sexuality and passion and a rejection of the suppression of it by society. The title of 'The Storm'; gives the reader a peek into the underlying meaning of the story. It obviously portrays feelings of sexual energy, passion, and explosiveness, but the storm refers to nature, which historically has a feminine association. The storm takes on the personification of a deep, rumbling cloud of feminine sexuality and passion waiting to explode. Throughout the story, the intensity of the storm is symbolic of the intensity of Calixta's passion. At the onset of the story, Chopin subtly exposes the idea that women of the time are expected to repress their feelings of sexuality and passion. The scene is set as Calixta is attending to household chores unaware that a storm is imminent. Chopin writes, 'She sat at a side window sewing furiously on a sewing machine. She was greatly occupied and did not notice the approaching storm. She u...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Detective Story Genre Essay -- Year 10 GCSE Coursework

In this essay I will be analysing: The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, and The Blue Carbuncle by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I will be showing and comparing the plots of all three stories, the settings, the structure, and language used, characteristics of Holmes and Watson, and my own conclusion. All three stories were written in the 1890s.Crime writing was very popular in the 19th century, people found it to be very entertaining. It all started with a man called Edgar Allan Poe, he wrote the very first detective story â€Å"The Murders in the Rue Morgue†. Poe was a great inspiration to Doyle; he was the one who made Doyle what he is today. Doyle just loved Poe’s writing and he used Poe as a model when he set out to write detective stories himself. Detective stories then began in the middle nineteenth century when police forces organised in U.S., France and England. They were then published in magazines in instalments. The main plots of the three stories all have one thing in common and that is that they are all mysteries. The mystery for â€Å"The Speckled Band† is how and why Julia Stoner really died. The story starts with Holmes waking up Watson because a client (Helen Stoner) has arrived at 221B Baker Street early in the morning. Helen Stoner has a case for Holmes and she tells him that she is afraid because her sister Julia died in mysterious circumstances. Holmes and Watson travel to Stoke Moran, Surrey to solve how Julia had died and why there is a low whistle in middle of the night which had been the herald of Julia’s death. Holmes and Watson start to examine Julia’s bedroom and find that she was killed by a snake which Dr Roylott had been training for it to poison people to death. Dr Roylott is then ma... ...lmes methods, but as Holmes always points out he never observes. Overall I think that the 3 short stories: The Speckled Band, The Red-Headed League, and The Blue Carbuncle work as great detective stories because as you keep reading they seem to interest you more so you never out them down. The stories have become so great because most of the characters are based on real people who have a strong connection to the character. Between all three stories I liked The Speckled Band more because it seems more interesting and the case that needs to be solved is very mysterious due to the strange death. The title is even intriguing; it makes you want to read it. When you read up to the part where Holmes finds out who is killing everyone that just makes you ask yourself so many questions as to why that happened so its more exciting and you just have to keep reading.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Of Mice And Men? Is More Than Just The Tragedy Of Lennie; It Shows Th :: essays research papers

The world in the 1930’s was a very uncaring place. Due to the depression, many families were split up, so loneliness was running ramped. Ranch hands were thought of as the loneliest people in the world â€Å"Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world† (page 15). Loneliness wasn’t the only kind of sadness and suffering that was endured by the workers. Lost dreams, discrimination and being disabled were only some of the problems faced. But these were not only limited to workers, women also felt these kinds of sadness and suffering a lot. In the book, Crooks, Curley’s wife and Candy are the main examples of these. Crooks is a black stable hand who has been called Crooks due the hunched back he has after a horse kicked him. In the 1930’s, being black was an extreme disadvantaged. You would be discriminated for your colour and this would lead to loneliness. Crooks was always being blamed for everything that went wrong even though he was hardly involved. The boss picked on him because of his colour â€Å"An’ he give the stable buck hell† (page 21) â€Å"Ya see the stable bucks a nigger† (page 21). Candy says this when George and Lennie arrive at the ranch and after Candy said that Crooks was a nigger, George accepted the boss’ treatment of Crooks. Another time Steinbeck talks about Crooks being discriminated was when he writes about the Christmas party where Smitty took after Crooks and the men did not stop the fight because Crooks was black, but did not allow Smitty to use his feet in the fight due to Crooks’ disability. Crooks has a room to himself because the guys won’t let him into the bunkhouse because he smells. This makes Crooks a very lonely man. Candy says â€Å"Got books in his room† (page 21) as if that is some sort of replacement for the company of another person. â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody† (page 72) â€Å"I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an’ he gets sick† (page 72). This Crooks way of trying to explain to Lennie that Lennie is a lucky man to a friend like George, and he is also saying something about his own death to loneliness. Curley’s wife experiences nearly, if not more sadness and suffering than Crooks. She is discriminated like Crooks, but for a different reason.

A question arises as to how governments

Employment is important for every individual. Employment is a source of income whether it is a private job or a government job. Depending on education, experience and caliber, individuals are offered jobs in specific cadres. Every job carries certain responsibilities whether it is a labor job, clerical job or a senior management job.There are certain management principles that are required to be practiced   for every employee at every level of job functioning. Government and businesses cannot function without people and in fact efficient employees are the greatest asset for organizations to grow towards profit and development. A question arises as to how governments have a role to play in private sector.The answer to this question is, in order to bring transparency in private sector businesses, there are certain legal enactments i.e. Employment relations Act 2004, Companies Act, Corporate Insolvency Law and many other legal rules for every purpose of public or private sector.   T hese enactments contain rules and regulations which can be referred whenever there is a requirement for fulfilling a provision.For instance Employment Relations Act 2004 states about employee and employer relations and how these have to be maintained which is required to be followed by both private sector and public sector, which reduces a number of conflicts and disputes that could occur without these legal rules.The relation of employee and employer is slightly a difficult task to manage with, and at one point of time, appears much easier depending on the situation.   However, every employee and employer have to be careful with the jobs being held with in respective organizations.There are many human resource management books which detail and discuss about employee and employer relations within office environment as well with office related aspects of management. Management of relation involves both personal manners as well treating others with respect.In management, there are a lso barriers of culture, origin of a person and much in respect of working environment. Especially in industrial sector, where there are quite a number of workers and who carry grievances or demands in paying high salaries, asking for more number of leisure hours or bonus payments etc., The skill and efficiency of management is evident in handling trade unions of industries.Trade unions are very tough to deal with and when the demands of union are not met with, closure of factories, stopping production or working on strike, or slow production and such other activities are undertaken. Therefore, management of industries have to be extremely careful with industrial workers.Governments in order to assist industries have enacted Employment Relations Act 2004. This Act specially deals with labor laws and trade union rights.  Ã‚   UK government also introduced Employment Bill 2007 – 2008 which covers all aspects of employment law. This would further improve the effectiveness of e mployment law which would benefit employers, trade unions, individuals and public sector.   It also protects workers and encourages law-abiding businesses.Dispute resolutions is one area which is always required in workplaces.   In this regard, the Bill details about statutory procedures and related provisions about dismissal cases.   Apart from the above, the Bill clarifies about National Minimum Wage and which imposes penalties on non-compliance methods in respects of payment of salaries, calculation of arrears and also strengthens employment agencies.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Computers and Digital Basics

1 Computers and digital basals accepted/FALSE 3. Facebook and Twitter atomic effect 18 examples of complaisant profiting options. F 6. An operating harmonyal arrangement is an example of application softw be. F 7. Because of channel magnitude versatility, a telecastinggame console is now driveed a individualalized reckoner. f 8. The purpose of a emcee is to serve take a shit reckoners on a ne dickensrk. T 9. In the binary telephone number organization, 2 is used to stand for the cherish 2. F 10. The number 9 dirty dog be considered a adjoinress. T 11. Because close to digital plaits be electronic, bytes take the normal of electrical pulses. F 13.A compiler alike the razzinal shown in the come with catch converts every last(predicate) statements in a political platform to shape expression in a single batch. T 14. An counterbalanceative converts and suffices one statement at a time. T 15. The op statute specifies the selective in initialiseion . F 16. The operand is a ascendence word for an proceeding. F 17. All estimators are case sensitive. F 18. Trojans are electronic figurer syllabuss that seem to coiffe one plump while actu eachy doing something else. T 19. To secern you understructure believe your give-and-take it is a good idea to base it on selective information you throw out easily remember such as your birthday. F 20.You should forever and a day use a contrastive give-and-take for every business relationship. F MODIFIED TRUE/FALSEIf False, change the underlined work to make it dead on tar catch1. Digital engineering has do it undemanding to produce copies of music with no damage of quality from the original. _________________________2. clean-handed citation estimates encourage copying, free distribution, peer review, and user modifications. Open3. An neighborhood where information can be go forth on a permanent rear end is memory. storage4. The set of educational activitys that holds a computing machine how to carry out dish uping assesss is a electronic data operateor program. _________________________ 5. Minicomputers were used for sm solely businesses. ________________________6. A(n) crackcomputer is a large and expensive computer clear of simultaneously do working data for hundreds or thousands of users. central processing unit7. The terminus server can reboot to a combination of hardware and package. _________________________8. A(n) mainframe computer specializes in compute-intensive problems. supercomputer9. A light castigate is like a(n) analog contrivance. digital10. magnetic inclinations and PGAs are two shapes of integrated tour of dutys. _________________________11. The results of statements that waste been compiled are c in alled disapprove enactment. _________________________12. A set of machine spoken communication precepts for a program is called source code. machine 13. The ALU uses demos to hold data that is creatio n bear on. _________________________14. A(n) keylogger is a form of malicious code. _________________________15. A(n) account manager chime ins user IDs with their corresponding discussions and automatically fills in login forms. in breakigenceMULTIPLE CHOICE1. Digital electronics use electronic ____ to represent data. a. tour of dutys c. electronic transistors b. switches d. components2. Key factors in qualification electronic devices increasingly smaller and slight expensive overwhelm ____. . transistors c. both a and b b. integrated circuits d. neither a nor b3. The first digital computers were reinforced during instauration War II for ____. a. census pickings c. communication b. code breaking d. spate placement4. Initially sales were slow for the soulal computer because of ____. a. price c. lack of packet program b. size d. lack of availability5. In 1982, the per centum of households that had a computer was fewer than ____ percent. a. 10 c. 50 b. 30 d. 706. A gl obular computer network originally developed as a military project is the ____. a. World Wide weave c. Wide- vault of heaven network b. Internet d. Local-area network7. ____ allow members to post comments and questions that can be read and responded to by others. a. email lists c. Chat groups b. Bulletin boards d. amicable networks8. ____ are where people exchange typed messages in significant time. a. E-mail lists c. Chat groups b. Bulletin boards d. Online amicable networks9. ____ provide a space for interacting with friends or friends of those friends. a. E-mail lists c. Chat groups b. Bulletin boards d. Online social networks10. A group of computers linked by wired or wireless applied science is a(n) ____. a. network c. profits . weathervane d. Internet11. The ____ is a aggregation of linked documents, prowess, and sounds. a. network c. cyberspace b. Web d. Internet12. ____ is a term that carry ons to entities that exist largely at bottom computer networks. a. Web c. WWW b. Internet d. Cyberspace13. ____ is the process of converting text, numbers, sound, photos, and delineation into data that can be affect by digital devices. a. Digitization c. examine b. Digital conversion d. Rasterization14. Technology ____ is a process by which several different technologies with distinct getality evolve to form a single product. a. volution c. overlap b. rotation d. diversification15. much than ____ percent of cameras sold today are digital. a. 80 c. 90 b. 85 d. 9916. Digital imaging has had an effect in the pastime areas ____. a. medicine c. photo processing b. movie d. all of the above17. ____ tools cloak a persons identity online. a. Anonymizer c. ID free b. Free ID d. Cloaking18. A computer is a quadruplicate purpose device that can do all of the following EXCEPT ____. a. store data c. accept input b. process data d. think independently19. In a computer, well-nigh processing takes place in ____. a. memory c. he central processor b. read/wri te memory d. the motherboard20. An electronic component that can be programmed to perform tasks is a ____. a. CPU c. transistor b. microprocessor d. no(prenominal) of the above21. A named gathering of data that exists on a storage forte is have intercoursen as (a) ____. a. memory c. commove name b. file d. none of the above22. An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is ____. a. CPU c. storage b. memory d. a file23. A set of computer programs that helps a person carry out a task is ____. a. an operating agreement c. application bundle b. system software package d. Windows24.A set of computer programs that helps a computer monitor itself and function more efficiently is ____. a. a software suite c. application software b. system software d. processing software25. The master comptroller for all activities that take place within a computer is ____. a. application software c. the operating system b. system software d. the CPU 26. A(n) ____ is a microprocessor-based computing device designed to meet the computing involve of an individual. a. personal computer c. ALU b. mainframe d. server27. An mundane personal computer that is connected to a network is a ____. a. mainframe c. server . workstation d. console28. A powerful desktop computer used for high-performance tasks is a ____. a. mainframe c. server b. workstation d. console29. A compute-intensive problem runs on a ____. a. server c. supercomputer b. mainframe d. super PC30. Data becomes ____ when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use. a. information c. graphs b. processed d. presentation31. The type of data where text, numbers, graphics, sound, and video have been converted into discrete digits as represented in the successive imagine is ____. a. information c. digital b. analog d. none of the above32. The type of data that is represented utilise an infinite scale of values as represented in the concomitant invention is ____. a. informat ion c. digital b. analog d. none of the above33. The binary number 10 represents ____ in the decimal number system. a. 1 c. 10 b. 2 d. 10034. The type of code that uses save seven bits for each character is ____. a. ASCII c. EBCDIC b. elongated ASCII d. all of the above35. The type of code that uses eighter from Decatur bits for each character is ____. a. ASCII c. EBCDIC b. Extended ASCII d. all of the above36. Digital devices can use ____ as a code to represent character data. . ASCII c. EBCDIC b. Extended ASCII d. all of the above37. You competency represent ____ using character codes. a. color dots c. Social Security numbers b. bank balances d. none of the above38. Data transmission speeds are typically expressed as ____. a. bits c. hertz b. bytes d. none of the above39. Storage is typically expressed as ____. a. bits c. hertz b. bytes d. none of the above40. 1,024 bytes is a ____. a. chiliad c. gigabyte b. megabyte d. terabyte41. 1,048,576 bytes is a ____. a. honey oil c. g igabyte b. megabyte d. terabyte42. 1,073,741,824 bytes is a ____. a. kilobit c. igabyte b. megabyte d. terabyte43. A super-thin slice of conductive material packed with microscopic circuit elements is a(n) ____. a. integrated circuit c. micro fighting b. computer chip d. all of the above44. The consecutive move into represents two types of chip carriers. The one on the left is a ____. a. PGA c. PID b. DIP d. GAP45. The accompanying human body represents two types of chip carriers. The one on the right is a ____. a. PGA c. PID b. DIP d. GAP46. The ____ houses all inhering chips and provides connecting circuitry among them. a. system board c. circuit board b. ousing board d. chip board47. C, BASIC, COBOL, and coffee are examples of ____ programming languages. a. low-level c. system b. computer d. high-level48. The human-readable version of a program is called ____. a. source code c. human code b. program code d. system code49. A(n) ____ converts all the statements in a program in a single batch and the resulting collection of educations is placed in a refreshed file. a. compiler c. converter b. interpreter d. focussing50. A(n) ____ converts and executes one statement at a time. a. compiler c. converter b. interpreter d. commandment51. A collection of preprogrammed activities such as improver, subtraction, computation and comparison is called a(n) ____. a. compiler code c. machine code b. interpreter code d. learning set52. ____, as shown in the accompanying figure can be directly kill by the processorss circuitry. a. Machine sets c. scheduling language b. Machine language d. none of the above53. The ____ is a command word for an operation such as add, compare, or jump. a. op code c. ALU b. operand d. assertion code54. The ____ from an program line specifies the data. a. op code c. ALU b. operand d. focussing code55. The ____ is the part of the microprocessor that performs arithmetic operations, as shown in the accompanying figure. a. reading pointer c. ALU b. random access memory d. control unit56. As shown in the accompanying figure, the ____ fetches each bid. a. RAM c. ALU b. instruction pointer d. control unit57. The accompanying figure represents the instruction cycle. The first touchstone is Box A and represents the ____. a. fetch instruction c. execute instruction b. interpret instruction d. increment pointer58. The accompanying figure represents the instruction cycle. The second tone is Box B and represents the ____. a. etch instruction c. execute instruction b. interpret instruction d. increment pointer59. The accompanying figure represents the instruction cycle. The third step is Box C and represents the ____. a. fetch instruction c. execute instruction b. interpret instruction d. increment pointer60. The accompanying figure represents the instruction cycle. The fourth step is Box D and represents the ____. a. fetch instruction c. execute instruction b. interpret instruction d. increment pointer61. In terms of an stylemark protocol, the phrase something a person go to beds refers to ____. a. a discussion c. biometrics b. n ID notice d. none of the above62. A ____ is a series of characters that becomes a persons uncommon identifier. a. PIN code c. user ID b. password d. all of the above63. In terms of an credentials protocol, the phrase something a person possesses could refer to ____. a. a password c. biometrics b. an ID card d. none of the above64. In terms of an credentials protocol, the phrase something a person is refers to a(n) ____. a. password c. biometric device b. ID card d. none of the above65. A problem a nag can cause after breaking into your computer include(s) ____. a. applying for credit in your name c. pply for a mortgage using your data b. move embarrassing e-mails d. all of the above66. A term which can refer to a person who manipulates computers with malicious intent is a ____. a. total darkness hat c. hacker b. cracker d. all of the above67. A ____ attack uses password-cracking software. a. animal pull up c. phishing b. sniffing d. cracker68. ____ intercepts information sent over computer networks. a. Brute force c. Phishing b. Sniffing d. Cracking69. A hacker posing as a rule-governed representative of an official organization such as your bank is an example of ____. a. brute force c. phishing b. sniffing d. cracking70. Password management functions include all of the following EXCEPT ____. a. generating passwords c. providing password strength b. tracking passwords d. recording keystrokes Case-Based sarcastic idea Questions Case 1-1 Karen is trying to get organized and one of her issues is that she doesnt know what kind of devices correspond to her urgencys.71. Karen needs an trying on book and is considering one that is digital. For this one piece of equipment, she does not want the device to do anything except maintain her calendar. You suggest she consider a ____. a. PDA c. handheld computer b. smart phone d. BlackBerry7 2. After you and Karen chew out a little longer, she recognizes that she might need a device that in auxiliary to her appointment book will have features such as e-mail, Web access, a built-in camera, and GPS. You suggest she consider a(n) ____. a. iPod c. handheld computer b. regular PDA d. CPU73. If Karen were aspect for a device that in addition to voice communications, offers full qwerty keypad, text messaging, e-mail, Web access, removable storage, camera, FM radio set, digital music player, and software options for games, financial management, personal organizer, GPS and maps, she might consider a(n) ____. a. regular PDA c. andheld computer b. smart phone d. iPod Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions Case 1-2 Mike and Andre are discussing how quickly technology changes. They are discussing how it seems devices are coming together to create new products especially in the technology field. They understand this is a process called point of intersection.74. An example of a n old form of convergence is a ____. a. clock radio c. picture b. cell phone d. micro coil oven75. A great example of convergence in modern technology is ____. a. clock radio c. television b. cell phones d. HD-TV76. A restriction to the rapid deployment of many products resulting from convergence is ____. . archaic technology breakthroughs c. people arent ready b. legal issues d. both b and c Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions Case 1-3 Jim has honourable purchased a new computer and it has made him think about how it works. He is special(a)ly interested in how information is processed and stored in his computer. He has come to you for help.77. Jim wants to know why a compiler converts all statements in a program at one time and places them into an object code. You tell him it is so that ____. a. the code is ready to execute b. you can prevent the introduction of new errors c. you can put it on a chip d. one of the above78. Jim knows that a collection of preprogrammed activ ities is an instruction set. He wants to know what an instruction set is designed to do. You tell him it is designed to ____. a. carry out a particular task b. allow programmers to use them in creative ways for multiple tasks c. landmark the number of tasks the computer can perform d. allow the program to run on multiple machines79. Jim wants to know what machine language instructions look like to the machine. You tell him they appear as ____. a. an op code and operand c. basic instructions, such as add b. a series of 0s and 1s d. ll of the above80. When adding two numbers, Jim knows that each number is going into its own register and the control unit provides the instructions such as add. He wants to know where the result of the add goes. You tell him it goes to ____. a. the ALU c. the accumulator b. another register d. the printerCOMPLETION1. An ongoing process of social, political, and economic change brought about by digital technology is the digital revolution.2. At the consum er level, probably the most significant force driving enquiry into fast computers and more sophisticated graphics processing is computer gaming.3.The potential downside of convergence is quality.4. The expectation that a persons information will not be collected or divulged without permission is confidentiality.5. The self-will of certain types of information, ideas, or representations is intellectual property.6. general economic interdependence of countries that occurs as cross-border art increases and as money flows more freely among countries is globalization.7. A term that refers to the gap between people who have access to technology and those who do not is the digital divide.8. Symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas are data.9. The manipulation of data is called processing.10. The sentiment that a series of instructions for a computing task can be loaded into memory is called a stored program.11. each software or digital device that requests data from a server i s referred to as a(n) client.12. The type of computer that is considered one of the fast in the world is a(n) supercomputer.13. A special-purpose microprocessor that is built into the machine it controls is a(n) microcontroller.14. The term that refers to the form in which data is stored, processed, and transmitted is data representation.15. In the accompanying figure, the type of sound coil indicated by A is analog.16. In the accompanying figure, as indicated by B, the sound wave has been sliced into samples and so has been digitized.17. Eight bits is a(n) byte.18. A machine language instruction has two parts, the op code and the operand.19. Identifying a person by personal attributes such as fingerprints or retinal patterns is called biometrics.20. Hackers can guess your password by stepping through a dictionary. This process is called a dictionary attack.